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How Mature Mom Romy Lost 16 Pounds in 2 Months with Healthy Steps At Home

Many mid-life women find that weight problems start in the perimenopause or menopause stage of life. Hormone imbalances make it seemingly impossible to stop gaining weight and feeling tired or bloated, so many women feel like they are fighting an uphill battle against their bodies. That’s exactly why mature beauty and lifestyle influencer Romy turned to Healthy Steps At Home. Her personal goal was to not only lose the unwanted hormonal weight, but also help reset her body both physically and mentally.

As a passionate Healthy Stepper, Romy shares with us the story of how she started to lose weight in early menopause after just 2 months in the program.

When did you realize you wanted to work on your health and wellness by losing weight?
I’m a mid-life woman who is just beginning menopause. My hormones are decreasing so it’s much harder to lose weight, and a lot of things haven’t worked for me.

What was it about Healthy Steps that appealed to you?
My body is changing, moods are changing, and I wanted to work with Healthy Steps because it’s something that would fit that lifestyle and reset my body mentally and physically.

Why did you choose the Healthy Steps At Home program?
I chose the Healthy Steps At Home program because everything is digital these days. I can access it from my phone or computer and it’s easy and convenient, like a one-stop shop.

Describe a typical day of your At Home program.
What I love about Healthy Steps is that it’s simple, especially for a busy mom and woman on the go. You do intermittent fasting and don’t necessarily have to meal prep or plan a lot. It’s easy when you’re traveling and it takes minimal effort… it’s simple.

What lifestyle modifications have you made?
I immediately cut out sugar and heavy carbs. I have one meal and a heavy snack, and I drink tons of water

Describe your experience working with the Healthy Steps team
My experience working with the Healthy Steps doctors and practitioners has been amazing! They are responsive, knowledgeable, and caring, and I love that there’s no judgment. They support you gently, they listen to your concerns and issues, and respond promptly. When I have a concern, I can simply text them or set up an appointment, and it’s been amazing. They’re accessible and super easy to work with.

Did you feel taken care of during your Healthy Steps journey, and how so?
I absolutely felt that my personal needs were tended to throughout the program. For example, I had muscle cramping early in the program, which is a common issue with intermittent fasting. The team immediately responded and we discussed what I needed to do differently, which ended up really helping alleviate the symptoms.

How did your providers help you feel confident during the program?
I felt like the Healthy Steps providers made me feel confident throughout because maybe some days my weight went up, and maybe with other programs I’ve done I felt nervous that there would be judgment. I felt supported and encouraged, and never judged.

How is Healthy Steps different from other weight loss programs?
It’s focused on intermittent fasting, you’re under a doctor’s care, they give you helpful supplements and medications, and it’s very streamlined.

Describe your results so far.
In just 2 months on my Healthy Steps At Home program I have lost over 16 pounds, which is amazing! My clothes fit better and I’m down about one size. I feel more energetic and my body isn’t as stiff so I can move around better.

What has this experience done for your confidence and self image?
Healthy Steps At Home has done wonders for my self image and my confidence. I feel better, look better, and move better. I’m carrying around less weight and my clothes fit better. It’s an overhaul of my mind and body all in one, and I love how I feel.

Would you recommend the program and why?
It is life changing and easy - especially for women like me: mid-life, busy, and juggling a lot of balls at once. There’s no need for meal prepping or over-thinking. You take your supplements, talk to your practitioner, and it’s easy peasy. I love the program and I have no hesitations recommending it.

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